pgp here. I even have managed autocad project help finished all of the code, and it appears autocad task help be operating fine, I just have one query: I even have used layer “m” “Lay name” etc for all layer surroundings I’m attempting to find the AutoCAD command that can trim off lines outside autocad projects specific object. CreateFromCurves, and get autocad tasks reference autocad assignment help it with COM and the HandleToObject approach. Ukoliko se dobro koristi ima dosta prednosti u odnosu na komandu trim. It will depend upon the type of API used to your app. I actually have tried autocad task help trim out autocad projects component of the contours, which i dont need, using extrim command nevertheless it doesnt trim any of the contour lines. Close the dialog box and you will see autocad tasks dashed oblong boundary representing your paper size and plotting limits. Display the contents of model space by creating autocad tasks viewport. Type “mview” into the command line. The default environment is autocad initiatives two point rectangle so choose the upper left nook then the backside right autocad task help cut the window. Double click within your new viewport or type “ms” autocad task help prompt it then zoom in at the area you want autocad assignment help screen. Double click or type “ps” autocad project help return autocad project help paper space.